Eco Explorers: Wetlands

Eco Explorers: Wetlands 3RD – 5TH GRADE | DURHAM From soil to water, plants to animals – strap on your boots as we explore some of the wilder parts of the Museum! We’ll learn what it takes to keep our wetlands healthy and thriving, and tackle a project to...

The Great Escape

The Great Escape 3RD – 5TH GRADE | DURHAM The door is shut and the clock is ticking! Discover what it takes to design and create exciting rooms full of puzzles and challenges. Work together to create an escape experience right in the classroom and take turns testing...

Agricultural Adventures

Agricultural Adventures 3RD – 5TH GRADE | DURHAM Learn what it takes to grow crops and the science behind preserving foods. Meet the Museum’s farm animals and investigate the important role that each play on the farm. Learn about the anatomy of animals and basic...

Camp Conundrum

Camp Conundrum ​3rd — 5th grade | DURHAM Journey across camp searching for clues and solving puzzles to get to the bottom of a curious conundrum. Using fingerprint dusting, fiber analysis, chromatography, ultra-violet investigation, blood analysis, and decomposition...

Dig and Design

Dig and Design 3RD – 5TH GRADE | DURHAM Come take an artistic journey with us as we use natural materials and tools to make art from the Earth. During special camp-only time in our outdoor classroom, Studio Earth –  we’ll create paintings, sculptures, and more using...