Update on mask rules for summer camps

(Updated July 15, 2021)

Some parents have expressed concerns about how changes to Museum mask guidance will impact summer camps, so here’s an update.

While the general Museum policies on masks have changed, our camp policies will remain in place. Because many of our campers are not yet eligible for vaccination, we will continue to require both campers and staff to wear masks during the camp day, both indoors and outdoors.

We recognize that the outdoor temperatures make mask-wearing difficult, so we will continue to offer mask breaks when campers need them and emphasize regular hydration and rest from the heat. While the guidance does allow for outdoor mask removal, we are not confident that campers will or should be able to maintain physical distance consistently enough to warrant total mask removal.

As always, we will continue to use outdoor spaces and exhibits as much as possible, both for COVID safety, and to get some much-needed sunshine!

If you have further concerns, please reach out to us by email (summercamp@lifeandscience.org) and we will respond as soon as possible 


Thank you,

The Museum of Life and Science Summer Camp Team