Mini Builders


Calling all builders! Throughout the week, your camper will choose an architectural project to design, plan, and build. We’ll find inspiration in famous buildings from ancient cultures, use the structures around us to explore the properties of earth and building materials, and learn how to transform a building from a scale model to a final product. We’ll figure out how to build our structures in daily engineering challenges.  

Four-year-olds must have completed a minimum of six months in a group childcare setting and reach their 4th birthday by April 30, 2024 to attend camp.

Mini Builders


June 17 — 21
July 1 — 5
July 15 — 19
July 29 — Aug 2


Camp Tuition (General Public): $355
Camp Tuition (Member):

Beforecare (8 – 8:30 am): $20/week
Aftercare (3 – 5 pm): $45/week
Lunch: $50/week