Junior Chefs & Inventor’s Workshop

1st – 2nd | DURHAM

Week 1:
This is not your ordinary kitchen! Investigate the chemical and physical properties of our favorite foods, and discover just how much science goes on in the kitchen. From fermentation to liquid nitrogen, we’ll explore new cooking techniques and ingredients. We’ll put our new found skills to the test as we wrap up the week with a mystery cooking challenge! *This camp involves food! If your child has food allergies or dietary restrictions, please contact our team prior to registration.

Week 2:
Perfect for young tinkerers who like to build, take things apart, and discover how stuff works! We’ll use real tools to take apart old toys and then repurpose the pieces to build creations of our own. Discover how simple materials can create strong structures, and experiment with contraptions that fly, flutter, and free-fall. If our inventions end up flops, we’ll re-design and try again!

Summer Blast Off


This is a 2-week session: June 3 – 14



Camp Tuition (General Public): $710
Camp Tuition (Member):

Beforecare (8 – 8:30 am): $20/week
Aftercare (3 – 5 pm): $45/week
Lunch: $50/week