Digital Content Creators
6th – 8th grade | DURHAM
Get ready to smash that subscribe button! Jump into the process of conceiving and producing your own digital content channel and video. Determine your audience, build your brand, and most importantly, develop amazing content! Scout your locations and hone your skills to put your vision on the screen. Build a production team and together develop scripts, film, and edit your content. We’ll put it all together to produce a short video to share with family and friends! Don’t forget to like and subscribe!

July 7 – 11
August 4 – 8
Camp Tuition (Member): $340
Camp Tuition (General Public): $370
AM care: (8am – 8:30 am): $20/week
PM care: (3:30pm – 5:00pm): $45/week
Lunch: $50/week (Not available at Camp Curiosity)
*Lunch is only available at the Durham Museum Camp